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Articolo pubblicato nel fascicolo di Marzo / Aprile 2024 di Carta & Cartiere IN PAPERMILL

Pasaban, high quality customized solutions

Founded in 1928, the company has developed different types of products such as Sheeters, Winders, Ream wrappers, Foil stamping lines, Upenders, pallet conveyor lines, reel conveyor lines, etc. All the products that make up the portfolio are associated with the finishing or paper and cardboard converting processes.

Pasaban Headquarters.

di: Pasaban SA

PASABAN is currently considered a reference in the design, manufacture and installation of sheeting machines, being the main supplier in large reference projects worldwide. The company is currently involved in 2 large projects for FBB in Finland with large width machines in both cases and high production capacity; all these machines installed in 2 international reference cardboard manufacturing groups.

As it could not be otherwise, these machines incorporate the highest level of automation existing in the market where practically all the processes from the entrance of reels to the exit of piles are fully automated, providing OEE’s never before achieved.

“Projects like these – says Carlos Muriel, Sales & Marketing Director – are what drive our developments and help us to improve on a daily basis. Although our technical capabilities are very high due to our accumulated experience, we must say that it is our customers who help us to improve. By understanding their experience as an expert user and their problems with other equipment, our engineering team takes note and pays maximum attention to how to avoid these problems. In this way, we generate new ideas and systems that help to operate the machine in a more user-friendly way”.

Pasaban paper sheeter.

PASABAN has established itself as a highly relevant international company. With an export history that covers more than 95% of what they produce, their reach extends to all industrialized international markets dedicated to the manufacture of paper, cardboard or pulp. This comprehensive export strategy, according to Carlos Muriel, “reflects our commitment to global expansion and meeting the demands of the paper industry in various regions of the world”.

Likewise, operating at a global level gives them a much more expert vision of the needs of clients in different territories while boosting their knowledge in the application of appropriate technologies to satisfy any demand. In relation to its main role as a reference manufacturer of finishing equipment, it is important to broaden the focus and pay attention to the after sales service. Its machinery park at international level is of great dimension, with more than 600 references worlwide.

In this way, prestige and reputation go hand in hand not only with manufacturing excellent equipment, but also with the fact that over the years the users have the necessary support from the manufacturer, even facing stages where electronic components will need to be replaced over the years.

n this sense, the Service Department has several lines of action covering from retrofits/rebuilds, spare parts management, physical services to plant and relocations of installed equipment. In addition to this, there are other sections such as machine auditing and reinforcement training and babysitting for existing equipment.

Pasaban technicians fine-tuning the machine.

The reality of the market dictates that being able to provide a quality service to customers makes the brand more valued and, more importantly, helps users not to lose competitiveness and to have support from the supplier that guarantees them a secure operation.

“Our future objectives in a broad way, so is indicated by Muriel, would be to provide a greater number of solutions to our clients, reach other segments with greater penetration, learn with intensity/ devotion from our clients and their concerns and demands, take advantage of new trends (e.g. substitution of plastic in some of the handling processes) reacting in a fast and flexible way with solutions that add value to our clients and that our footprint as an organization continues to be as firm and as reputable as until”.

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