As the world market leader, it is its ambition to develop highly efficient tools and solutions with innovative ideas and advanced technology, all while setting sustainable trends. The satisfaction of the customers, from the craftsman’s workshop to the global industrial company, has always been and still is the focus of its activities.
The company guarantees optimal customer proximity and competent support through a worldwide network of its own sales, service and production companies as well as through the high qualification and continuous training of its employees. The motivation is, always, to find the best solution for its customers.
TKM takes knowledge and experience from many industries and apply it to products and services for the tissue paper industry. That’s why they added three additional service tools to be closer to their customers:
- The TKM Group App, available for Apple and Android, includes a trouble shooting of the most common problems with the log saw blade application. All the customers can use the app for free.
- To start, they build up a simple but efficient TKM performance centre. TKM performance centre is an easy access channel for the customers to industrial internet applications and remote services. Its experts have a deep understanding of the cutting applications of the tissue converting lines. With remote connections and tools, TKM provides the needed support and guidance without delay – and more broadly than before.
- The relaunch of the website TKM Group. The structure of the website has been completely adapted and designed to be more user-friendly, but not only that, it now offers the visitors an absolute added value. In addition to the range of services, the company offers a detailed desktop solution manual. Discover more and visit the new Solution Finder. In the last edition of the magazine TissueMAG you find a detailed article about their well known Log Saw Blades. In this Carta & Cartiere article, TKM goes into more detail about the importance of one product that the Log Saw Blade absolutely needs for good performance: the CBN grinding wheel.

Each Log Saw Blade needs two CBN grinding wheels to sharpen the blade regularly. The best blade cannot function without high quality grinding wheels. That’s why TKM, as only blade manufacturer, decided more than 10 years ago to manufacture the CBN grinding wheels in-house.
This gives them the opportunity to constantly develop their grinding wheels with the aim of performing well even when heavily contaminated.
TKM Log Saw Blades with TKM grinding wheels guarantee the customers the best possible cutting quality.
The details
The main task of the CBN grinding wheels is to keep the Log Saw blade always in a sharp condition. The quality of a tool starts with the raw material. Although a grinding wheel looks very unimpressive, a lot of development work goes into it.
In the following you find the most important factors which decide about the characteristics of CBN grinding wheels:
- Quality of CBN grains.
- Geometry of CBN grains (Friable ↔ Blocky).
- Characteristics of CBN grinding grains (for example heat resistance and hardness).
- Way of wear (Blunting ↔ Spalling ↔ Break-Out).
- Size of the CBN grains (Fine ↔ Coarse).
- Concentration (Weight of CBN grains per cm³).
- Characteristics of the bond material.
TKM’s production goal is to develop the best possible recipe of the different ingredients. The aim of TKM’s technical consultancy is to suggest the type of grinding wheel that best fits the machinery and product variety of each customer. The main goals of CBN grinding wheels are:
- Keep the blade always as sharp as possible.
- To create as less sparks as possible.
- To polish the cutting edge in the best possible way.
- To wear the blade as less as possible.
- As low contamination as possible (no dark graphite in the bond material).

The in-house production of grinding wheels helps TKM a lot to develop the grinding wheels step by step more and more. They already regularly sell a type of grinding wheel that has a significantly lower sensitivity to contamination: TKM P1 or TKM SuprCut.
The medium-term goal is to develop grinding wheels that no longer require cleaning, regardless of the level of contamination and always keep the blade as sharp as possible.
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